The Basics of Grants for School Buses

Replace or Repower Older School Buses

The financial challenge of updating a school bus fleet usually stops school districts across the country from improving their buses. Fortunately, there are financing alternatives, like many grants for buses.

What is a Grant?

A grant is an amount of money granted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to help many visionary organizations achieve their environmental goals. This amazing task is performed by working hand-in-hand with small non-profit organizations and large state governments.

Each grant program has its set of requirements. When considering grants, pay attention to the qualifying information, as this will tell you who is eligible, how to apply, and on what the funds can be invested.

What is a Grant

Before submitting a grant proposal, make sure you have all the mandatory information, like the number of buses you hope to purchase retrofitting with the funds and a business plan to ensure sound planning, among other things.

Remember, when it comes to buying a bus you have several options. If you have decided it is time to get a bus for your business, choosing the right vehicle that fits all your needs is crucial. Selecting too big a bus could lead to paying more than you need, whereas picking one too small could mean that travelers will be cramped, and luggage storage easily becomes an issue.

At Colorado West Equipment, we strive to help our customers get the best deals by working closely with major bus manufacturers for reduced rates.the bus best dealsWhile the school buses are fitted with the latest in fuel economy improving features, our alternative fuel buses comply with many of the emission or fuel economy grants and reduce long-term fueling costs. We offer the best bus brands on the market, along with original bus parts and several financial options. Call us at 308-381-2473 for more information.

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