How School Buses Benefit the Community

School buses are one of the main staples of a community, and one of the most recognizable symbols. Most everyone has a memory of getting on the school bus, whether it’s daily transportation to and from school or on a school field trip. School buses benefit the community in many different ways, both physically, emotionally, financially, and environmentally.

Blue Bird school buses
School buses are the safest mode of transportation.

Benefits of school buses

The school bus is a great space for students to get to know each other and feel like they are part of a community. It’s a great way to bring your students together and boost school spirit and unity. Besides allowing students a safe space to get to know each other and build stronger bonds, a school bus is one of the safest ways for a student to travel.  They reduce traffic, save gas, time, and money, and they provide jobs.

School buses are the safest mode of transportation

School buses transport about 26 million students every day, and the number one concern is safety. Blue Bird school buses are constantly developing and upgrading the design to keep kids as safe as possible. Now, Blue Bird buses can be equipped with NextGen seats that can easily be fitted with seat belts, should a school bus seat belt law go into effect in your area.

Handicap access

School bus benefits
Blue Bird buses are wheelchair accessible and built specifically for students with special needs.

Blue Bird and other school buses can also be purchased with wheelchair access and special features to transport students with special needs and handicaps.

School buses save families time and money

Not every parent has time to take their kid to school. Knowing that there is safe and reliable transportation to bring their kids to school is a great load off their backs. Having access to a school bus allows parents to save time and money, without worrying about their kid’s safety.

School buses save gas

Today, school buses run cleaner than any other car. Many Blue Bird buses run on alternative gases. Using alternative gases for school buses can save approx. 2.6 billion gallons of fuel each year. Similarly, alternative gases greatly reduce CO2 emissions. There is no cleaner or safer way to transport a student.

School buses provide jobs

Eco-friendly school buses
School buses that use alternative energy will save gas and reduce CO2 emissions.

The school bus itself is safe, clean, and effective. However, every city also needs trustworthy, reliable, and qualified school bus drivers. Providing school buses also means that you create many jobs in your community, boosting the economy and helping your constituents.

Blue Bird School Buses

If it’s time to upgrade or add to your fleet of school buses, talk to a Blue Bird representative. We can help you finance new buses, as well as, find the best school bus model for your needs.

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