National School Bus Safety Week–Tips for Keeping Children Safe

October 22, 2021by cowest

It is National School Bus Safety week, the perfect time to revisit and communicate school bus safety information. The school bus is the safest way to travel to and from school, but if safety procedures are not followed before, during, and after riding, children can become vulnerable to hazards. The following are some important tips from the National Association for Pupil Transportation  and the American School Bus Council, for ensuring child safety from the bus stop to school.

Getting Ready for School:

  • Have your children put everything they carry in a backpack or school bag.
  • Encourage them to wear bright, contrasting colors.
  • Make sure children leave home in time to arrive at the bus stop at least 5 minutes early. (Children who rush are particularly vulnerable.)

Walking to the Bus Stop:

  • Walk young children to the bus stop or encourage children to walk in groups.
  • Walk on the sidewalk, and if there is no sidewalk stay out of the street. If you must walk in the street, walk single file, face traffic, and stay as close to the edge of the road as possible.
  • Stop and look left, right, and then left again when crossing the street, driveways, and alleys.

At the Bus Stop:

  • Have children wait in a location where the driver can see them while driving down the street.
  • Children should stay 3 giant steps away from the road until the school bus comes to a complete stop.
  • Do not let children play in the street.

Getting On and Off the Bus:

  • Teach children that if they drop something getting on and off the school bus, they should tell the driver and wait for instruction.
  • Remind children to look to the right before they step off the bus.
  • If you meet your child at the bus stop after school, wait on the side where your child will be dropped off, not across the street.
  • Children should never cross behind the bus, but cross at least 10 steps in front of the bus where driver can see them. Teach them to make eye contact with the driver and wait for the “ok” to cross the road.

Mobile Devices:

  • Make sure they are in backpack or other holder while boarding and departing the bus.
  • Ensure sound is muted or headphones, ear buds or similar devices are used.
  • Make sure content does not violate the law or school district policies.

Please review and talk with your child, or students about the importance of following these safety tips. As the time change approaches, some children may be walking during a time in which they can not be easily seen by a driver. Teaching children to be vigilant is the best way to ensure their safety.

Colorado/West Equipment, Inc. and Nebraska/Central Equipment, Inc. are committed child and passenger safety on our Blue Bird school buses. Please contact us today to discuss your passenger needs.

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