Colorado Rack and Kentucky Pole Test for Blue Bird Buses

The toughest school buses in the industry

The Colorado Rack Test
The Colorado Rack Test ensures that the structural integrity of the bus remains intact in the event of a rollover accident.

In the quest to design and manufacture the safest school bus in the industry, Blue Bird school buses are always in compliance with both the Colorado Rack Test and the Kentucky Pole Test. Blue Bird is the only school bus manufacturer that has both tests as a requirement.

The Colorado Rack Test

In 1971, the Colorado Rack Test was implemented to help test the structural integrity of a school bus. If the school bus should rollover, the Colorado Rack Test ensures that the strength of the passenger cage is tough enough to withstand a rollover accident. For a school bus to be in compliance with the Colorado Rack Test, the structure of the bus cannot deflect more than 5⅛ inches, and all emergency exits must still be operational.

The Kentucky Pole Test

In 1989, the Kentucky Governor’s Task Force on School Bus Safety worked with the engineering team from Blue Bird to further enhance the structural integrity of Blue Bird buses. The Kentucky Pole Test will test the strength of the school bus roof in case of a pole, or another sharp object impacts the bus during a rollover. A school bus will pass this test if the body panels of the bus remain intact, and that the roof does not bend more than 10 inches into the passenger compartment.

Mandatory safety tests for Blue Bird buses
Blue Bird buses are the only buses that make Colorado Rack and Kentucky Pole Tests compliance mandatory.

Blue Bird school buses are the safest

Blue Bird buses are the only school bus manufacturers that require compliance with both tests. If you’re looking for a fleet of school buses for your school district, no school bus is safer than the Blue Bird All American and Vision school buses. Blue Bird is committed to providing the most durable and toughest buses for transporting our children.

If your school district is in Colorado or Nebraska, talk to a CoWest sales rep about the safest school buses in the industry.

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